I had good news a few days ago, my recent electrical problems with my heart being racing have been fixed by “shock” treatment at Gloucester hospital, Big thank you to all the doctors and nurses there,!! So now I can say ” My Heart Will Go On” Lol
This is the well known Titanic theme and is also the last one left for me to record from Hank’s great album “Marvin at the Movies”
I used my Fender Custom 56 NOS with Kinman Impersonator 54 pickups. Alesis quadraverb Q2 EFTP patch 0-36 direct into cubase via sound card. (No Amp)
The video’s made using 3x Sony SR12 camcorders and a Samsung Galaxy S4 for the Dunlop DVP1 foot pedal.
Edited in Sony Vegas Pro 9 with the cubase soundtrack.
Here is a link to my playlist of Marvin at the Movies tracks.
Hope you like “My Heart will go on”
Cheers Phil
YT have blocked the video in certain countries due to copyright issues. Here is a link to the soundfile mp3 https://app.box.com/files/0/f/330957523
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