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Cliff Richard was born Harry Webb in Lucknow India in 1940, and was taken to England as a child. In the late 1950’s the young Harry flirted with skiffle music which was a short lived British phenomenon distinct from American rock but with borrowed
crossover segments. His first real rock and roll group was the Drifters (later renamed the Shadows). It was while playing with them as part of a quartet that he was ‘discovered’, and after a demo tape was sent to Norrie Paramor at EMI Records Harry’s name was changed to Cliff and the hits began to flow. This Peter Pan of British pop has for nearly sixty years kept in touch with changing trends in music.
His films too have created some great historic numbers such as ‘The Young Ones’ and
‘Bachelor Boy’ and are available on dvd from commercial retail outlets.
Here in this compilation are quite a few obscure and forgotten numbers from Cliff as well as some of his standards, reminding us of what the whole decade of the sixties was all about – an evolution in Sound.


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