Into the light. Hank Marvin cover. Phil McGarrick

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“Into The Light” is the title track from Hank Marvin’s 1992 solo album and written by Brian Bennett.

Mine is a cover of Hank’s recording using a great BT made by Kohji /Kohjikr
Many thanks to Kohji for sharing his BT.

Played on my Alan Brason strat fitted with Kinman FV-HMS pickups Through an Alesis Quadraverb Q2 with EFTP patch 0-36 and a Carl Martin Plexitone for the distorted sections and sound recorded in cubase SX 5.

Video made with 3x Sony SR12 camcorders and a smartphone and edited with the cubase sound in Sony Vegas pro 9 video editing software.

Hope you like “Into the light”

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