Another Day In Paradise – Phil Collins/Hank Marvin Guitar Cover

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“Another Day in Paradise” is a song recorded by English singer-songwriter Phil Collins. Produced by Collins along with Hugh Padgham, it was released as the first single from his number-one album …But Seriously (1989). As with his song for Genesis, “Man on the Corner”, the track has as its subject the problem of homelessness; as such, the song was a substantial departure from the dance-pop music of his previous album, No Jacket Required (1985)

This is my cover based on the Hank Marvin version from his “Into The Light” album from 1992.

Recorded using my Alan Brason Strat with Zoom G3x and amp modelling in logic.

I used Phil McGarricks tabs for the main part of the song and then ad lib the final part in my own version

Tabs and Backing track available for free from

Hope you enjoy

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