Does Hank Marvin From The Shadows Play Violin?

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Hello my friends,

In this tutorial today I will show you one of Hank Marvin’s set-up techniques that very few people know about. I looked on the Internet and couldn’t find very much about it either.

It seems that those who know about it don’t discuss it much!

During Hanks later guitar work if you listen to his sound on ‘Cavatina’ and his other slower ballads, he has a very unique tone/sound
which almost seems like he is playing a violin, a flute or a synthesiser!

I spent many years buying pedals, amps, pickups, and an array of multi effect units trying to emulate his sound. Although I got some really good tones from my Fender Stratocaster I never
really achieved what I was trying to imitate.

One day I discovered by accident when I was watching a lead guitar player using his little finger on the volume pot to make volume swells.

I’d seen this technique used in the past but had never considered the fact that Hank Marvin from the Shadows may have done this. When I
watched Hank’s live concert performances I never saw his finger anywhere near the volume pot so I realised he must be using a pedal.

I decided to give it a go with my ‘Line 6 Pod XT Live’ which happens to have a volume pedal built on to the unit. After connecting up all my cables and effects I tested it out and a huge smile appeared on my face. The sound was perfect, and exactly what I was trying to re-create!

After years of frustration and heaps of money wasted on buying new equipment I wanted to kick myself for not discovering how to do this sooner. That is why I wanted to make this video for
all you guitarists out there who haven’t yet figured it out. I want to save you time and money and give you that happy feeling I felt when I played for the first time with the swell pedal.

So that’s the secret guys if you didn’t know, so now you are thinking what pedal to buy?

Hank Marvin has used various pedals during his career, one brand I know of is Morley.

I can recommend the following pedals:

Morley – Little Alligator

Boss – FV-500H

Fender – FVP-1

Dunlop also make great pedals!

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