Sir Cliff Richard admits 'I won't work too much anymore'

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Sir Cliff Richard announces he will retire from the music industry – but he has no retirement plans yet
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Sir Cliff Richard announces he will retire from the music industry – but he has no plans to retire

EXCLUSIVE: Sir Cliff Richard admits ‘I won’t be working again’ – but won’t retire yet

Sir Cliff Richard said he was taking a break from the music but had no plans to hang up his mic forever.

The 81-year-old music legend says he loves being able to choose whether and when to perform now, nearly 65 years after he first did something big.

“I don’t know if I want to retire. I don’t mind quitting,” he said.

“Resigning means I can change my mind at any time, or call my office and say, ‘Can you let us spend a few nights at the Royal Albert Hall?’


“So retirement is not in my vocabulary, but quitting is good for me – I can work anytime, anywhere.”

With more than 50 studio and live albums recorded during his career, Cliff set a new bar in popularity and became Jazz in 1995.

He said: “There were two successes – I couldn’t have predicted both of them. The first one got knighthood from the Queen. It was not on my radar.

“These titles are for businessmen, politicians and actors. But rock singers? No,

It can’t happen.

“The second is the official chart record for a top 5 album eight years in a row. Can anyone else do that? I’m just praying my lifetime record doesn’t get broken.”

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Cliff has worked with many stars over the years, but he says his best friend Olivia Newton-John, 73, is one of his most valued partners.

He said he was surprised she was still so positive despite the recurring cancer.

Cliff said: “She’s always on the ‘up’. She’s one of the most determined people I’ve ever met because she doesn’t like to call her cancer a battle.

“She said, ‘I’m just getting rid of what I don’t want.'”


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