Take Me High | | Full Comedy Movie | Retro TV

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**This film is under a non-exclusive license from Studio Canal. All rights received***
A bubbling musical full of bright and exciting songs. Tim Mathhews, a successful and ambitious financier, moves to Birmingham. He buys an old barge which he converts into a luxurious home. His neighbor is the lovely Sarah, who has recently opened a restaurant in the city. After a picnic of inedible hamburgers, Tim and Sarah decide to produce their own creation. From Sarah’s secret recipe, the revolutionary Brumburger is born… #ComedyUK #RetroTV #Studiocanal.

Director: Richard Fleischer,
Writers: Tim Metcalfe(screenplay), Miguel Tejada-Flores(screenplay), Rudy De Luca(screenplay)
Stars: Eddie Deezen, Wendy Sherman, Rick Overton
Binge-watch more here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_tEw87mHCr0CtcIwlNiijw

(Retrospective Television)

We’re building this channel for anyone who likes their TV “Old School”! What started out as a tribute to the legendary show “Bonanza” is now evolving into much more! We’ll be bringing you the TV Hits (And misses!) from the 50’s-90’s that either you or your folks grew up watching on the old “Square” TV set from back in the day.

#MillionDollarMystery #RetroTV #ClassicComedyUK #RetroTV #Studiocanal


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