Summer Holiday is a song recorded by Cliff Richard and the Shadows. It’s taken from the movie of the same name, and was released as the second single in 1963. This song is surely fun [More]
Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS My Blue Heaven (feat. The Shadows) (Remastered 2015) · Cliff Richard · The Shadows · Walter Donaldson · George Whiting 21 Today (feat. The Shadows) (Remastered 2015) ℗ J. [More]
Cliff Richard and the Shadows Tribute Band, Shadrock, got to perform with Cliff himself at Memorial Drive in Adelaide, 2004. Cliff was in Adelaide to play an exhibition tennis match and was so impressed with [More]
1962 !!! 84 BPM “Do You Want to Dance” is a song written by American singer Bobby Freeman and recorded by him in 1958. It reached number No. 5 on the United States Billboard Top [More]
From the movie “Wonderful life” the song On the beach , by Cliff and the Shadows ALBUM: Wonderful life – Created with AquaSoft SlideShow for YouTube:
Provided to YouTube by Believe SAS Evergreen Tree (feat. The Shadows) (Remastered) · Cliff Richard · The Shadows · Wally Gold · Aaron Schroeder Cliff Sings (feat. The Shadows) (2015 Edition All Tracks Remastered) ℗ [More]